Ritika Sajdeh Phone Number, Email Address, Manager Contact Details

Ritika Sajdeh’s Biography, Age, and Birthday Info

Ritika Sajdeh is a sports manager and birthday girl from India. Ritika Sajdeh was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, on December 21, 1987. The lady love of India’s very own hitman, Rohit Sharma Ritika Sajdeh and Rohit Sharma have been married since December 13, 2015. They have a single child.

Since the beginning of Cornerstone Sport & Entertainment, the management and birthday party company run by her first cousin Bunty Sachdeva, she has been in charge of overseeing sporting endeavors. She was the first employee of the company when it was founded. She has worked there ever since and has become an essential part of the team.

Ritika Sajdeh has lived every role a woman can to perfection, from managing athletes for a living to standing by her husband’s side through thick and thin.

Other Way to Contact Any Bollywood Celebrity like Ritika Sajdeh

Don’t worry if didn’t find some contact information because of privacy. But, you still get in touch with any celebrity through Celebrity Management Company. You can also contact any Talent Management Company.
For business/PR inquiries, collaborations, and contributions (media content and news), please contact the artist management agency on the given numbers.

  Please understand that this number is NOT for fan calls. Don’t Send Hi/Hello or any Greetings msg on these numbers.

Always send proper requirements like your company name, your requirement, and your project/event details.

Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Office : +91 9904708172 (Whatsapp Only) | Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Anuj Mehta: +91 7016719502 | Artist manager (For Endorsements) | Pratik Mehta : +91 9724232521 (Whatsapp)| Talent Manager (For Films) | Deep Soni: +91 7878249657 | Event Manager (For Press) | Vivek Gadhavi : +91 9033965301 (Whatsapp)|

Ritika Sajdeh’s age and birthday

  • Ritika Sajdeh’s age and birthday are 35 years old as of 2022. Ritika Sajdeh was born on December 21, 1987. Ritika Sajdeh’s zodiac sign is Sagittarius. Ritika Sajdeh is from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Ritika Sajdeh’s Study / Education

  • Ritika Sajdeh’s school name is not known. Ritika Sajdeh’s college name is not known.

Ritika Sajdeh’s Friends and Family

  • Ritika Sajdeh’s father’s name is Bobby Sajdeh. Ritika Sajdeh’s mother’s name is Tina Sajdeh. Ritika Sajdeh’s brother’s name is Kunal Sajdeh.

How to contact celebrity manager?

  • Ritika Sajdeh manager phone number: +91-990-470-XXXX
  • whatsapp number 2023: +91 99047-08172
  • Ritika Sajdeh Contact Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Real Contact Number: Not available right now
  • Ritika Sajdeh Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Personal WhatsApp Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Mobile Number: Unavailable with us


Ritika Sajdeh and Rohit Sharma ManAge and Birthdayr MarriAge and Birthday and Wedding Info

At one of the Reebok sporting events in 2008, Ritika met Rohit Sharma while working for her company. Yuvraj Singh, who also happens to be Rohit’s former India teammate and Ritika’s Rakhi brother, introduced the pair. The two quickly grew to be best friends and started dating. Ritika later began overseeing Rohit before the two of them got married in 2015.

On April 28, 2015, six years into the relationship, Rohit Sharma reportedly drove Ritika Sajdeh to the Borivali Sports Club ground, where he first began playing competitively at the age and birthday of 11, and proposed to her with a solitaire ring. They got engaged and celebrated their birthdays on June 3, 2015, and got married on December 13, 2015, at Mumbai’s Taj Lands Hotel in Bandra (West).

After three years of ManAge and Birthdayr MarriAge and Birthday and Wedding Info, the couple welcomed a baby girl on December 30, 2018. Samaira was her given name. When on tour and away from home, Rohit and Ritika both look forward to spending time with their daughter.

Important Director Mobile Number Info

  • Ritika Sajdeh Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
  • Ritika Sajdeh Manager Contact Number: +91 99047081XX
  • Ritika Sajdeh Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Contact Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Real Contact Number: Not available right now
  • Ritika Sajdeh Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Personal WhatsApp Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Ritika Sajdeh Mobile Number: Unavailable with us

Ritika Sajdeh’s TV Career and Hifilm Story

Ritika Sajdeh began her TV Career and Hifilm Story with her cousin’s company, Cornerstone Sports & Entertainment, which manAge and Birthdayd athletes and other well-known celebrities. It wasn’t easy for Ritika to get started at first, but she eventually turned things around to fit in perfectly. She started off perfectly with the clients she had and quickly became the company’s perfect second fiddle. 

With Bunty Sachdeva’s (Ritika’s cousin) contacts and Ritika’s efforts, the company had risen to the top of the market and employed nearly every top athlete. Ritika began working with all of the top athletes, including famous cricketers. She was now getting along well with Yuvraj Singh, Harbhajan Singh, Irfan Pathan, and almost everyone else on the team.

Ritika Sajdeh Manager contact details (name, email, phone number), manager, contact info

  • Ritika Sajdeh Contact Number: 022-261544XX
  • Ritika Sajdeh Phone Number: 022-262061XX, 262075XX
  • Ritika Sajdeh contact number whatsapp, +91 9904708172
  • Ritika Sajdeh mobile number 2022
  • Ritika Sajdeh manager name
  • Ritika Sajdeh email id
  • Ritika Sajdeh whatsapp number 2023
  • Ritika Sajdeh office address

Ritika Sajdeh’s Networth, Charges, Fees, Budget, Cost and Income

Ritika Sajdeh has a budget, net worth, charges, fees, and cost of Rs. 15 crores. Her annual salary is Rs. 1.2 crore. Ritika Sajdeh created the TV Career and Hifilm Storys and job profiles of many Indian sports figures.

7 Interesting Facts and Reality about Ritika Sajdeh

  • Ritika’s age and birthdays Rohit Sharma and is a professional sports manAge and Birthdayr.
  • She has always loved sports, ever since she was in school.
  • Ritika began working as a sports manAge and Birthdayr at Cornerstone Sport & Entertainment, a manAge and Birthdayment firm run by her cousin Bunty Sachdeva, as soon as she received her degree.
  • She first met Rohit in 2008 at a Reebok photo shoot, where she was introduced to him by her Rakhi brother, Yuvraj Singh.
  • Everywhere Rohit Sharma plays, she is there as well. She can be seen rooting for him, even though it’s a domestic game.
  • After dating for six years, Rohit and Ritika were united in ManAge and Birthdayr MarriAge and Birthday and Wedding Info in 2015. On the field of the Borivali Sports Club, where he began his TV career and Hifilm story, Rohit proposed to her.
  • Ritika was seen crying with joy when Rohit Sharma scored his third double hundred in ODIs on December 13, 2017 (208 not out against Sri Lanka in the second ODI at Mohali), as it was the ideal anniversary present for her.