Namita Thapar Phone Number, Email Address, Manager Contact Details

Namita Thapar’s Biography, Age, and Birthday Info
Namita Thapar

Namita Thapar is an Indian businesswoman. She is the executive director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals. Namita Thapar is also one of the judges on Shark Tank India. Namita Thapar’s birthplace is Pune, India. Namita Thapar’s zodiac sign is Aries. Namita Thapar’s height is 5 feet 5 inches. Namita Thapar is Gujarati.

Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited, an international pharmaceutical firm based in India, is led by Namita Thapar. The corporate office of Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited is located in Pune, Maharashtra, India. The business creates pills, injectables, and soft-gel and hard-gel capsules.

On December 20, 2021, Namita Thapar made an appearance in the first season of the Indian business reality television programme Shark Tank India. The Indian version of the American business reality programme Shark Tank with the same name is called Shark Tank India.

Official Namita Thapar Manager Contact Number: 022-261544XX, Namita Thapar Booking director Phone Number: +91 7878249657

Namita Thapar Booking Agent Phone Number+91-990-889-XXXX
Namita Thapar New Phone Number+91-990-889-XXXX
Namita Thapar New WhatsApp Number+91-989-898-XXXX
Namita Thapar WhatsApp Mobile NumberNot available right now
Namita Thapar Ka Real Mobile NumberThis number is currently unavailable
Namita Thapar Ka WhatsApp GroupNot available right now
Namita Thapar Email Address for ContactWe don’t have any available
Namita Thapar Official WebsiteNot available with us
Namita Thapar Official email addressWe don’t have any available

Namita Thapar’s age and birthday

  • Namita Thapar’s birth date is 21 March 1977. Namita Thapar was born in 1977. Namita Thapar’s age and birthday are 45 as of 2022.

Namita Thapar’s Study/EEducation

Namita Thapar’s school is not known. Namita Thapar College is affiliated with Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), and the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Namita Thapar has a B.Com from Savitribai Phule Pune University,  Chartered Accountancy from ICAI,  MBA from Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

Important Director Mobile Number Info

  • Namita Thapar Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
  • Namita Thapar Manager Contact Number: +91 9904708172
  • Namita Thapar Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Namita Thapar WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Namita Thapar Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
  • Namita Thapar email id
  • Namita Thapar office address and contact number

Namita Thapar’s Friends and Family

Namita Thapar was nurtured in the reputable Indian household where she was born. Satish Mehta, her father, is the founder and CEO of the international Indian pharmaceutical company Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited. Bhavana Mehta is the name of Namita’s mother. The president of research and development of Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited is her brother Samit Mehta.

Other Way to Contact Any Bollywood Celebrity like Namita Thapar

Don’t worry if didn’t find some contact information because of privacy. But, you still get in touch with any celebrity through Celebrity Management Company. You can also contact any Talent Management Company.
For business/PR inquiries, collaborations, and contributions (media content and news), please contact the artist management agency on the given numbers.

  Please understand that this number is NOT for fan calls. Don’t Send Hi/Hello or any Greetings msg on these numbers.

Always send proper requirements like your company name, your requirement, and your project/event details.

Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Office : +91 9904708172 (Whatsapp Only) | Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Anuj Mehta: +91 7016719502 | Artist manager (For Endorsements) | Pratik Mehta : +91 9724232521 (Whatsapp)| Talent Manager (For Films) | Deep Soni: +91 7878249657 | Event Manager (For Press) | Vivek Gadhavi : +91 9033965301 (Whatsapp)|

Namita Thapar’s husband

Indian businesswoman and entrepreneur Namita Thapar is a married woman. Her husband, Vikas Thapar, is also a businessman. The couple has two sons together, named Vir Thapar and Jai Thapar.

Namita Thapar’s business

Namita Thapar received an opportunity to work as a business finance lead in the financial planning division of Guidant Corporation after earning her MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

After six years of employment, Namita Thapar left the company and went back to India. After that, Namita Thapar was named Executive Director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited, a worldwide pharmaceutical firm owned by her father. She established Incredible Ventures Limited, a company specialising in study and education, in 2017. Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Bangalore all have branches of it.

Thapar is a member of the regional advisory board for Fuqua School of Business India in addition to serving as a judge on Shark Tank India and as a well-known businesswoman at the Indian branch of Emcure Pharmaceuticals.

Additionally, she is the owner of Incredible Ventures Limited, a company that offers business training to young people between the ages of 11 and 18. She also participates actively in the Young Presidents’ Organization. She is also a trustee on the board of trustees for TiE Mumbai, which supports her goal of helping budding companies and aspiring business people.

Namita Thapar Manager contact details (name, email, phone number), manager, contact info

  • Namita Thapar Contact Number: 022-261544XX
  • Namita Thapar Phone Number: 022-262061XX, 262075XX
  • Namita Thapar contact number whatsapp, +91 9904708172
  • Namita Thapar mobile number 2022
  • Namita Thapar manager name
  • Namita Thapar email id
  • Namita Thapar whatsapp number 2023
  • Namita Thapar office address

Namita Thapar Shark Tank

Shark Tank India is a business reality television programme that is shown on Sony Entertainment Television in India and is in the Hindi language. The programme is a Shark Tank Indian franchise from the United States.

It depicts business owners giving pitches to a group of sharks or investors, who determine whether to fund their business. On the program, a group of potential investors known as “Sharks” listens to entrepreneurs pitch their ideas for new ventures or products.

These self-made millionaires make decisions about whether to invest their own funds to coach and market each competitor after evaluating the business ideas and products provided. This program’s host was Rannvijay Singha for season 1. Namita Thapar is a shark on the show who invests in the businesses she likes.

Important Director Mobile Number Info

  • Namita Thapar Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
  • Namita Thapar Manager Contact Number: +91 99047081XX
  • Namita Thapar Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Namita Thapar WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Namita Thapar Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
  • Namita Thapar Contact Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Namita Thapar Real Contact Number: Not available right now
  • Namita Thapar Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Namita Thapar Personal WhatsApp Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Namita Thapar Mobile Number: Unavailable with us

Namita Thapar’s Budget, Net Worth, Charges, Fee, and Cost

Namita Thapar has stated in interviews that her total budget, net worth, charges, fees, and costs in Indian rupees are 600 crores, or $80 million. According to reports, Namita Thapar’s budget, net worth, charges, fees, and costs totaled 600 crores of rupees in 2022. She has been named for numerous business prizes and listed on a number of renowned lists. She has won many hearts in addition to accolades.

Namita Thapar’s Awards

  • Barclays Hurun Next-Gen Leader Recognition
  • The Economic Times’ “40 Under Forty Award”
  • World Women Leadership Congress Super Achiever Award
  • The Economic Times 2017 Women Ahead List

7 Facts and the Reality of Namita Thapar

  • Facts and Reality of namita thapar
  • In 2017, Namita established Incredible Ventures Ltd., a business devoted to study and education. The company’s goal is to encourage young (by age and birthday) people to start businesses by teaching entrepreneurial skills to kids between the ages of 11 and 18. Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, and Ahmedabad are among the locations where the organisation has branches.
  • Namita participates in the Young Presidents Organization as well.
  • On the Board of Trustees for TiE Mumbai, Thapar is a trustee.
  • She enjoys reading and travelling in her spare time.
  • She enjoys Bollywood bollywood movies a much. Before getting married, Namita admitted in an interview that she watched nearly every Bollywood film on its opening day. She even admitted that she named her children Jai and Vir after the leading men in the Bollywood movie Sholay.
  • Thapar has been involved in programmes including the Champions of Change campaign and the NITI Aayog’s Women Entrepreneurship Platform.
  • In 2020, Thapar founded the Uncondition Yourself with Namita Thapar YouTube channel, where she posts recordings of her talk show where she discusses women’s health with a range of medical professionals, patients, and industry professionals.