Peyush Bansal Phone Number, Email Address, Manager Contact Details

Peyush Bansal’s Age and Birthday and Peyush Bansal’s Biography and ManAge and Birthdayr Info

Peyush Bansal is an entrepreneur and the founder of Lenskart. Peyush Bansal’s birth date is April 26, 1985. Peyush Bansal’s birth year is 1985.

Peyush Bansal’s age and birthday are 37 years as of 2022. Peyush Bansal’s birthplace is New Delhi. Peyush Bansal’s zodiac sign is Taurus. Peyush Bansal’s height is 5 feet 7 inches.

The company’s founder and CEO are Peyush Bansal. He serves as a panellist on the renowned Indian Shark Tank. In India, Peyush Bansal is a very well-known shark tank judge online.

Peyush Bansal’s master’s degree in entrepreneurship from IIM Bangalore gave him the strength to launch a new company and transform his life, according to Peyush Bansal’s bio.

From 2002 to 2006, Peyush Bansal studied electrical engineering, IT, control, and automation at McGill University in preparation for the honours bachelor of engineering program. The British Association Medal, given by McGill University in 2006, adds to founder Peyush Bansal’s biographical information.

Peyush Bansal’s Friends and Family

Peyush Bansal’s father is Bal Kishan Bansal. Peyush Bansal’s mother is Kiran Bansal. Peyush Bansal’s brother’s name is not known. Peyush Bansal’s sister’s name is Neha Bansal. Peyush Bansal’s wife is Nimisha Bansal.

Peyush Bansal’s Study and Education

Peyush Bansal’s school is Don Bosco School, Delhi. Peyush Bansal’s college is McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Peyush Bansal studied at Indian Institute Of ManAge and Birthdayment (IIM), Bangalore.


Official Peyush Bansal Manager Contact Number: 022-261544XX, Peyush Bansal Booking director Phone Number: +91 7878249657

Peyush Bansal Booking Agent Phone Number+91-990-889-XXXX
Peyush Bansal New Phone Number+91-990-889-XXXX
Peyush Bansal New WhatsApp Number+91-989-898-XXXX
Peyush Bansal WhatsApp Mobile NumberNot available right now
Peyush Bansal Ka Real Mobile NumberThis number is currently unavailable
Peyush Bansal Ka WhatsApp GroupNot available right now
Peyush Bansal Email Address for ContactWe don’t have any available
Peyush Bansal Official WebsiteNot available with us
Peyush Bansal Official email addressWe don’t have any available

Peyush Bansal’s wife

Peyush Bansal’s wife is Nimisha Bansal. Peyush Bansal and Nimisha Bansal got married on June 12, 2011. The couple has a son. Peyush Bansal’s son’s name is Ivaan.

Peyush Bansal’s TV Career and Hi-Fi Story

In 2007, Peyush Bansal served as a programme manager and birthday boy for the renowned Microsoft Corporation in the United States.

Peyush Bansal’s first position at Microsoft was good; however, he was only employed there for a single year. He had one objective in mind when he was 24 years old: to launch a business that was largely focused on e-commerce. Return to India and start a business.

Peyush Bansal spoke with a lot of people who were seeking a new company to cater to a variety of needs. Peyush Bansal launched the first project website,, in January 2008 with an initial investment of Rs. 25 lakhs after speaking with students from the University of Delhi College.

In June 2008, Peyush Bansal developed his business practises in dealing with college students and advertisements, and he registered his company as Valyoo Technologies. He shut down in December 2008 and concentrated more on launching a new company while receiving his IIM Bangalore degree.

With co-founders Amit Chaudhary and Sumeet Kapahi, Lenskart founder Peyush Bansal opened this company in November 2010. It is a privately held business with offices in New Delhi and Indian clients.

The website was introduced by Peyush Bansal with the slogans connect and play engraved on it. In India, Lenskart has opened offline outlets. It runs 49 physical franchises in various cities.

IDG Ventures India raised about $200 million for it over the course of three fundraising rounds. This year, Peyush Bansal plans to open outlets in additional locations around the nation.

Peyush Bansal’s wealth increases annually as a result of his well-organized business management and birthday. In 2014, Lenskart brought in 100 crores of rupees.

Online contact lens sales were the company’s main focus, but in 2012, they started to expand into the sale of sunglasses and eyeglasses.

Ten years later, Lenskart is the top eyewear brand in India, with more than 500 outlets spread over 70 Indian cities. It might interest you to know that, as far as the glamour world is concerned, Peyush Bansal is the esteemed judge of the television show Shark Tank.

His comments and personality as a judge are quite appreciated on the show. The fan following of Peyush Bansal has increased because of the Shark Tank show. Peyush Bansal has become more famous after the show.

Important Director Mobile Number Info

  • Peyush Bansal Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
  • Peyush Bansal Manager Contact Number: +91 99047081XX
  • Peyush Bansal Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
  • Peyush Bansal Contact Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Real Contact Number: Not available right now
  • Peyush Bansal Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Personal WhatsApp Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Mobile Number: Unavailable with us

The contact details for Celebrities management can be found here at Booking Agent Info with full contact address details information.

For the Official Peyush Bansal Secretary, +91 990470XXX2, for Event Booking. Booking for a Celebrity Manager Peyush Bansal’s Contact Details Brand support for live show performance Peyush Bansal Personal Contact Information.

Peyush Bansal Mumbai Email ID, Home and Peyush Bansal Office Email Addresses, Peyush Bansal Phone Number for Booking. Instagram Profile with Peyush Bansal personal contact details. Facebook, Twitter, Ticktock, and Wikipedia. Contact the manager at +91 99047081XX.

Important Director Mobile Number Info

  • Peyush Bansal Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
  • Peyush Bansal Manager Contact Number: +91 9904708172
  • Peyush Bansal Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
  • Peyush Bansal email id
  • Peyush Bansal office address and contact number

Peyush Bansal controversy

Shark Tank India’s episode from January 9, 2022, included Peyush Bansal, who was heard saying, CA se duur rehna (stay away from chattered accounting). His remark sparked a barrage of responses online, which led to the hashtag #boycottlenskart becoming popular among users. Bansal has since apologised after receiving a severe reaction.

How to contact celebrity manager?

  • Peyush Bansal manager phone number: +91-990-470-XXXX
  • whatsapp number 2023: +91 99047-08172
  • Peyush Bansal Contact Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Real Contact Number: Not available right now
  • Peyush Bansal Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Personal WhatsApp Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Peyush Bansal Mobile Number: Unavailable with us

Peyush Bansal’s Budget, Net Worth, Charges, Fee, and Cost

The CEO and founder of Lenskart is Peyush Bansal. His projected Budget, Net Worth, Charges, Fee, Cost in 2022 is $ 80 million (approximate). Peyush Bansal has amassed a budget, net worth, charges, fees, and costs of almost 600 crores of rupees.

In November 2010, he and co-founders Amit Chaudhary and Sumeet Kapahi established the Lenskart eyewear company. Peyush has made significant investments in businesses like Feedo and in addition to investing in startups on Shark Tank India.

Other Way to Contact Any Bollywood Celebrity like Peyush Bansal

Don’t worry if didn’t find some contact information because of privacy. But, you still get in touch with any celebrity through Celebrity Management Company. You can also contact any Talent Management Company.
For business/PR inquiries, collaborations, and contributions (media content and news), please contact the artist management agency on the given numbers.

  Please understand that this number is NOT for fan calls. Don’t Send Hi/Hello or any Greetings msg on these numbers.

Always send proper requirements like your company name, your requirement, and your project/event details.

Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Office : +91 9904708172 (Whatsapp Only) | Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Anuj Mehta: +91 7016719502 | Artist manager (For Endorsements) | Pratik Mehta : +91 9724232521 (Whatsapp)| Talent Manager (For Films) | Deep Soni: +91 7878249657 | Event Manager (For Press) | Vivek Gadhavi : +91 9033965301 (Whatsapp)|

Peyush Bansal’s Awards and Nominations

  • Peyush Bansal was ranked in the list of Fortune India’s ‘Best 40 Under 40 Entrepreneurs” for 2019.
  • The company was also awarded the Marketing Sherpa Email Awards 2014 for the Create and Design – Ecommerce category for its strong determination and innovation with new technologies.
  • The India TV Yuva Awards on the 2015 business charts

Peyush Bansal’s Interesting Facts, Reality, and Trivia

  1. Peyush Bansal is an IITian.
  2. Peyush Bansal has worked at Microsoft.
  3. Peyush Bansal started his first venture with just 25 lakhs of rupees.
  4. Peyush Bansal has worked as a part-time receptionist.
  5. Peyush Bansal’s first venture was
  6. Peyush Bansal got the idea of Lenskart when he came to know that 40% of the world’s blind are in India.
  7. Ratan Tata and S. Gopalakrishnan are the two biggest investors in Lenskart.