Yashasvi Jaiswal Contact Details, Mobile Number, House Address, Manager

Yashasvi Jaiswal’s Manager Age and Birthday, Yashasvi Jaiswal’s Biography, and Manager Age and Birthday Year Info

Yashasvi Jaiswal is an Indian cricketer. Yashasvi Jaiswal was born on December 28, 2001. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s manager birthdate is December 28, 2001. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s full name is Yashasvi Bhupendra Kumar Jaiswal. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s manager age and birthday are 21 years old as of 2022. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s manager’s hometown is Mumbai. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s height is 5.6 feet.

Indian cricketer Yashasvi Bhupendra Kumar Jaiswal, born on December 28, 2001, competes for the Rajasthan Royals in the Indian Premier League and Mumbai in domestic competition (IPL). His List A double century makes him the youngest cricketer in Hi-Fi Story.

Yashasvi Jaiswal was the player of the tournament at the 2020 Under-19 World Cup in South Africa and the leading run-scorer for the India U-19 team. Jaiswal was purchased by the Rajasthan Royals for 24 million rupees (US$300,000) during the 2020 IPL auction.


Official Yashasvi Jaiswal Manager Contact Number: 022-261544XX, Yashasvi Jaiswal Booking director Phone Number: +91 7878249657

Yashasvi Jaiswal Booking Agent Phone Number+91-990-889-XXXX
Yashasvi Jaiswal New Phone Number+91-990-889-XXXX
Yashasvi Jaiswal New WhatsApp Number+91-989-898-XXXX
Yashasvi Jaiswal WhatsApp Mobile NumberNot available right now
Yashasvi Jaiswal Ka Real Mobile NumberThis number is currently unavailable
Yashasvi Jaiswal Ka WhatsApp GroupNot available right now
Yashasvi Jaiswal Email Address for ContactWe don’t have any available
Yashasvi Jaiswal Official WebsiteNot available with us
Yashasvi Jaiswal Official email addressWe don’t have any available

Yashasvi Jaiswal’s Friends and Family

Yashasvi Jaiswal’s father’s name is Bhupendra Jaiswal. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s manager’s mother’s name is Kanchan Jaiswal. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s manager brother is not one. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s sister is no one. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s wife is no one.

Yashasvi Jaiswal Study / Education

  • Yashasvi Jaiswal’s Manager school is not yet public. Yashasvi Jaiswal’s manager’s college is not yet public.

The contact details for Celebrities management can be found here at Booking Agent Info with full contact address details information.

For the Official Yashasvi Jaiswal Secretary, +91 990470XXX2, for Event Booking. Booking for a Celebrity Manager Yashasvi Jaiswal’s Contact Details Brand support for live show performance Yashasvi Jaiswal Personal Contact Information.

Yashasvi Jaiswal Mumbai Email ID, Home and Yashasvi Jaiswal Office Email Addresses, Yashasvi Jaiswal Phone Number for Booking. Instagram Profile with Yashasvi Jaiswal personal contact details. Facebook, Twitter, Ticktock, and Wikipedia. Contact the manager at +91 99047081XX.

Important Director Mobile Number Info

  • Yashasvi Jaiswal Office Contact Number: 022-24214XXX
  • Yashasvi Jaiswal Manager Contact Number: +91 9904708172
  • Yashasvi Jaiswal Personal Contact Number: Currently unavailable.
  • Yashasvi Jaiswal WhatsApp Number: This number is currently unavailable.
  • Yashasvi Jaiswal Contact Phone Number: Not available right now.
  • Yashasvi Jaiswal email id
  • Yashasvi Jaiswal office address and contact number

Yashasvi Jaiswal Cricket

The cricket TV career and Hollywood story of Yashasvi Jaiswal have inspired many. He overcame obstacles because of his impoverished upbringing to realise his aspirations.

The Mumbai boy made headlines when he joined the Indian U-19 team for the August tour of Sri Lanka. Yashasvi has scored 49 centuries in the last five years while progressing through the junior cricket ranks, but he wasn’t performing all that well for the national team.

The youthful player struggled mightily in his first two games, scoring just 15 and 1, which caused his removal from the team. However, a crushing 114 in the championship match helped him regain his spot. Yashasvi got off to a strong start in the ACC U-19 Asia Cup by getting his second century against Nepal.

Yashasvi made a huge statement to everyone in 2020 by having an outstanding U19 World Cup performance, proving that he had truly arrived. Being selected for the Royals in the IPL was another plus, and the young player will be of age and birthday year to use his talent if given the chance.

Ashasvi Jaiswal’s budget, net worth, charges, fees, and costs

Yashasvi Jaiswal is a cricket player with a $1.55 million budget, net worth, charges, fees, and costs.

Other Way to Contact Any Bollywood Celebrity like Yashasvi Jaiswal

Don’t worry if didn’t find some contact information because of privacy. But, you still get in touch with any celebrity through Celebrity Management Company. You can also contact any Talent Management Company.
For business/PR inquiries, collaborations, and contributions (media content and news), please contact the artist management agency on the given numbers.

  Please understand that this number is NOT for fan calls. Don’t Send Hi/Hello or any Greetings msg on these numbers.

Always send proper requirements like your company name, your requirement, and your project/event details.

Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Office : +91 9904708172 (Whatsapp Only) | Celebrity Manager (For Events) | Anuj Mehta: +91 7016719502 | Artist manager (For Endorsements) | Pratik Mehta : +91 9724232521 (Whatsapp)| Talent Manager (For Films) | Deep Soni: +91 7878249657 | Event Manager (For Press) | Vivek Gadhavi : +91 9033965301 (Whatsapp)|

4 Interesting Facts and the Reality of Yashasvi Jaiswal

  1. After leaving his cricket practise, the young batsman used to sell Paani Puris on the streets of Mumbai to supplement his daily income.
  2. Jwala Singh, the head coach and founder of the Mumbai Cricket Club, recognised Yashvi Jaiswal’s inherent talent and thought he might be the next rising cricket star for India.
  3. Yashasvi Jaiswal made history in January 2014 when, while representing Anjuman Islam High School against Raja Shivaji Vidyamandir in a Giles Shield interscholastic match, he batted 319 runs in a marathon innings and recorded astounding bowling figures of 13/99.
  4. Yashasvi Jaiswal was selected by the Rajasthan Royals for 12 times his base price.